ELECTROGRUP INFRASTRUCTURE SA (E-INFRA) – integrated holding, financial results 2017

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(Bucharest, 14/05/2018) The company is making public its consolidated 2017 financial results showing 107.5 milion Euro in turnover, which implies year-over-year growth of 39% and a consolidated operational profit or EBITDA of 22.57 milion Euro or 38% growth compared to 2016, according to the IFRS audit which is ongoing.

„The future will bring more and more technology into our lives. Companies that apply or develop technology will be the winners of the markets. Infrastructure is the backbone on which technology is developed and run. They function together to satisfy people’s needs. Our group of companies builds and invests in modern infrastructure in multiple industries, through various alliances and partnerships”, says Teofil Muresan, Founder and E-INFRA’s Chairman of the Board.

The Electrogrup Infrastructure holding group comprises five subsidiaries: Electrogrup SA, Direct One SA, Netcity Telecom SRL, Nova Power & Gas SRL and WESEE SRL.

The main activity of the group resides in the infrastructure sector. The companies cover two business verticals: owning and operating a diversified infrastructure as well as building infrastructure for other operators or investors.
The creation of the E-INFRA holding company at the end of 2017 aims both to capitalize on the opportunities generated by the need for modern infrastructure in almost any field and to facilitate operating as an integrated, optimized, and competitive group in a solid cross-sector platform.
Electrogrup Infrastructure aims to raise capital for organic growth in its areas of operation and to continue making acquisitions in Romania and other countries.

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